Take Action

Want to get involved.  See what you can do to make a difference in the community and help us help the community and the youth.

"The greatest gift to give is your time..."

As an organization that is completely volunteer run we are always looking for the assistance from the people of the community.  We have kept our doors open since 2015 and we were there for the community during the Covid 19 problems.  We need the help of the citizens of this great town to keep it all going.
Volunteering at the facility, financial donations, donations of food and back-end support are always welcome.   
The question that I ask myself is

'What can I do to make the community that I raise my family in a place that I want to raise my family in?'


Volunteer on Site or with the Board

The Hangout is always looking for like-minded people to assist in the programs that are offered.  Do you have some time and energy think about coming out to volunteer.  It can be during our open hours after school just to manage the daily programs or we can engage in a special skill or passion that you want to share with the youth.

Not all volunteering is on site.  You can always help out with on the Board of Directors or stepping up for managing projects.  Also let us think about what we can bring to the community that is new.

As we are an entirely volunteer run facility with the few grants that we do get that go to basic staffing we rely heavily on the goodwill and donations from the community.  Think about where your financial donations go to now.  While we understand that people give to a cause that is meaningful to them know that we are local to LaSalle, we live in LaSalle and donations stay here to help the community of LaSalle.

Think about us and know that all money donated goes directly to programming.

Financial Donations

Get in Touch

How to reach us...

It is all on our contacts page as well as optional direct forms to fill out.



Reach out to us through any way you like, one of our volunteers will get back to you as soon as we can...